Application of Radiographs in the Diagnosis of Periodontal Diseases

$25 | 3 CE CREDITS

Application of Radiographs in the Diagnosis of Periodontal Diseases
Date: May 23, 2024 
Venue: Clear Dental Private Practice and Education Centre
Fee: $25
3 CE credits

This course is intended to provide hygienists with the knowledge of the application of radiographs in the diagnosis of periodontal diseases, including:
• Criteria of good quality radiographs
• Comparison of different radiographs in periodontics
• Interpretation of radiographs in the periodontal disease diagnosis and management

Course Schedule
6:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. Lecture (Dinner Included)

How to register:
Please call 780-250-2728 or email to register. The fee for each course is $25 and is only refundable 2 weeks prior to the course. Three CE credits is provided for each course.