Digital Smile Design procedure


At Clear Dental, we offer Digital Smile Design to help you visualize your ultimate smile potential. Digital Smile Design, or DSD, is a unique treatment planning tool that allows us to perfectly envision, plan, and anticipate any and all aspects of your treatment to ensure we deliver the best result possible.

This tool operates off of a thorough analysis of every aspect of our patient’s anatomy, structure, function, and dental proportions. This information allows us to construct unique and specific treatment plans that focus on the patient’s needs, wants, and the best course of action for them. We use varying forms of technology such as photographs, videos, and temporary simulations of treatment plans that all come together to create a well-rounded idea of how to create the perfect smile.

Many dental practices use a variety of digital software and imaging to help plan their patient’s treatments, but many don’t have access to a product that encompasses all areas of the smile journey, which is what DSD can do. DSD helps us show our patients precisely how they will look on the last day of their treatment, whereas traditional digital imaging software can only construct basic treatment plans, giving patients a vague idea of what they can expect. When it comes to your smile journey, we want to promise you only the best technology and resources to make it happen!

DSD eliminates struggles with miscommunication, unforeseen events and drastic changes in your treatment, and helps us to identify every unique detail that will solely benefit each and every one of our unique patients! When your smile journey is all mapped out, there should be no problems envisioning your treatment from start to finish, no unanswered questions, and no lack of clarity. We’ll be able to show you exactly what you can expect, and deliver on those results!


We value quality care and patient experience, because you are worth it!

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